You had a bad day

Friday, November 06, 2015

In the history of all nasty days, I'd be delighted to add this date. However, with footnotes. The sort of day where you drop your stationery in a pit, your footwear breaks and you have an entire day of running around in front of you. The kind of day you'd spend at an airport waiting lounge when your flight is delayed, only replace the flight with a documentary screening and replace the lounge with the campus. 

I spoke to Sinner, who tried her best to say things which would make me feel better. Amongst that was a portion on how I need to look for small space, joys or moments that I can hold on to and think about later. 

At the end of the sojourn at the campus, I was walking out and it was pitch dark. The stretch between my building and the nearest road is around 2 kilometers so naturally, broken footwear was adding fuel to fire. A girl who was a little ahead of me caught hold of an auto and started. I mentally cussed at myself for not having spotted him earlier and continued to walk until she stopped and asked me to share the ride with her. After a stern no from her driver, they starred again but she got him to stop and asked me to hitch a ride till the nearest auto point. At this stage I didn't know whether to believe this was real or an intervention by cosmos. As the guy drove we got talking, not exchanging names but notes on our respective college and course. She was living as a resident scholar at a university in a different state and had come down for this screening. Just before getting off I asked her if she's a Delhiiite. To my surprise, she answered she's a Punekar. 

That thing which sinner had told me earlier in the day, about that one small joy, this was it. I'm not saying a Delhiiite would not have done this but a small gesture like hers, really is a reminiscent of everything Pune was to me, earlier this year. All the more reason to believe why I'd like to move there, at some point in my life. 

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